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Freshman - Academy Selection and Course Offerings

Dear Incoming Student and Family, 

It is that time of year! The time when you get to select courses for the 9th grade. Hooray!  Please complete the survey emailed to you ASAP. You will have a chance to select your academy, English course, Math course, etc...If you have questions, there is a section at the end where you can make an appointment with a counselor or send an email. When the link is available, it will also be posted here: 

If the student will not attend John Muir High School, there is a question to complete.  Please let us know which school the student will be attending.  

We encourage you to complete the survey together, but turn it in only once. You will need to have the student ID number handy. This information is very valuable.  If it is not completed by June 3, we will choose the academy and courses for the students without their input. 

Please be sure to also complete the district MANDATORY enrollment/registration online. Although some of you are not new to the district, all of you are new to Muir and must complete this process.  Please go to:

Thank you.