2022-2023 College Courses at Muir
Courses are CSU and/or UC transferrable.
Earn up to 2 years of college credits in high school!
Spring 2023 Courses
9th Grade
- Counseling 012 - Personal Growth and Development
- Health Ed 044 - Health Education
10 -12th Grade
- Geography 004 - Weather and Climate
- Humanities 001 - Introduction to Humanities
- Psychology 001 - Introduction to Psychology
- Sociology 001 - Introduction to Sociology
- Sociology 002 - Contemporary Social Problems
- Speech 001 - Fundamentals of Speech
- Speech 010 - Interpersonal Communication
- Statistics 050 - Elementary Statistics
12th Grade
- English 001C - Intermediate Composition: Critical Thinking and Argument
Registration information, please email:
Mrs. Diaz - diaz.alejandra@pusd.us , or
Mr. Munoz - munoz.arturo@pusd.us