Graduate Portfolio and Defense
Welcome to the Graduate Portfolio and Defense Page
Pasadena Unified Summer School/Credit Recovery
Pasadena Unified Summer School Applications are now available.
2021 Summer Credit Recovery Link: 2021 PUSD Summer School Application
Students in grades 9-12 will have the opportunity to replace a Final failed grade (D or F), subject to space availability.
Priority will be given to 12th, 11th, 10th, then 9th graders respectively.
If you end up passing a class that you signed up for, you must contact the summer school office to drop it.
Submission deadline May 14, 2021
The 2021 Summer Credit Recovery allows for students to capture up to 2 classes of recovery. The courses will be taught in person by an experienced and passionate teacher during the 2021 Summer Credit Recovery.
The term is 5 weeks, 60 hours (1 course), and a predestined schedule to capture this process. Instruction will consist of a fully developed Canvas course designed for a 60-hour credit recovery program. It will also include direct instruction, performance assessments, alternative measures of mastery, collaboration, and asynchronous learning opportunities. We expect the educator to: Develop a Canvas Credit Recovery Scope, Sequence, Standards, and priorities with support from staff.
The classes start at 8:00 a.m. and will have an experienced educator guiding your path of credit recovery.
Dates are: June 10 - July 16, 2021
Student Schedule
Period 1 -8:00am-10am
Break - 10:0am- 10:15am
Passing period- 10:15am- 10:20am
Period 2- 10:20am- 12:20pm
Passing-12:50pm - 12:55pm
Personalized Learning Time (PLT)- 12:55p.m. - 2:00p.m.
Graduate Defesee Artifact Selection Video
Graduate Defense Artifact Selection
Check out a video I made via Loom