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Dress Code

The Governing Board of Pasadena Unified School District believes that appropriate dress and grooming contribute to a productive learning environment. The Board expects students to give proper attention to personal cleanliness and to wear clothes that are suitable for the school activities in which they participate. Students’ clothing must not present a health or safety hazard or a distraction which would interfere with the educational process. (BP 5132(a) DRESS AND GROOMING)

Students at Muir may not wear clothes that interfere with the school’s academic environment:
Any clothing item that is offensive, vulgar, gang-related, sexually suggestive, a bathing suit, pajama-like, related to drugs/alcohol/tobacco or racial/ethnic slurs, torn, or includes safety pins, studded belts/collars, or a mask will be confiscated.

Unacceptable clothing items include:

  • Accessories.  No wallet chains, buttons, pins, and sharp items.
  • Backpacks.   Must not display anything offensive.
  • Head gear.   Hats and hoods may be worn but should be removed indoors; no all-red caps, wave caps, rags, bandanas, hair curlers.
  • Pants.  Must be worn at the waistline without sagging, must not reveal abdominal area.
  • Shorts/Skirts/etc.   Shorts, skirts, etc. should be worn at the waistline and be no higher than the mid-thigh.
  • Sunglasses.  Can only be worn outdoors.
  • Sweatshirts.  Hoods may only be worn outdoors.
  • Tops.  May not include tube tops, halters; may not reveal excessive cleavage or midriff area.